Trip Grading

  • Grades for club trips are just an indication as times depend on many factors.
    Contact the trip leader for more details.
  • Easy (E) - Up to 4 hours
  • Medium (M) - Up to 6 hours
  • Fit (F) - Up to 8 hours
  • Fitness essential (FE) - Over 8 Hours
  • Technical (T) - Requires special gear
  • Instruction (I) - Refers to instruction events.


Trip Safety
Going on a trip? Access to tracks, and track / hut conditions can be subject to change. Any questions, contact DOC.
Have you given someone reliable a description of your intentions? Email your intentions.
Check out the Safety Code from DOC.

Trip costs
Carpooling is usually organised by the trip leader. Participants pay their driver an amount determined by the trip leader to help cover costs. The amount depends on distance and number of participants. Info on average costs.

Guide for trip leaders and participants. More information


Guidelines for gear for day trips 
Each person should have appropriate footwear, small pack, lunch and nibbles, water bottle, parka, over trousers, gloves, whistle, and warm head gear. There must be at least one torch, first aid kit, map and compass amongst the group, plus an adequate supply of toilet paper and sunblock etc.

Gear for weekend or longer trips
A large pack with sleeping bag, sleeping mat, waterproof jacket, over-trousers, mittens, balaclava, longjohns / change of warm clothes, torch, with spare bulb, map, compass, eating utensils, first aid kit, sunblock, candle, matches, toilet paper, and food for appropriate number of days. Hut passes or tickets may be required.

Hire gear from the club

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